Former presenter of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Huw Edwards has been sentenced to six months’ imprisonment with two years suspension, for possessing indecent images of children.
The 6-month jail term was handed down by a London court on Monday after Edwards pleaded guilty to the charges in July.
According to the court, Edwards, who was the BBC’s highest-paid journalist, was found to have 41 indecent images of children on his devices.
The images were shared with him by a convicted pedophile, who sent him a total of 377 sexual images.
The court heard that Edwards had engaged in online chat with the pedophile and had sent him hundreds of pounds in exchange for pornographic images.
However, Edwards’ defense team argued that he had not specifically requested or paid for indecent images of children.
The sentence includes requirements for Edwards to complete a sex offender treatment Programme and attend 25 rehabilitation session.